Current Grants
Accountable Care Organizations & Surgical Care
Study Aims
To determine the impact that ACOs have on surgical spending and quality.
To evaluate for clinical heterogeneity in ACO effects on surgical care delivery.
To assess how heterogeneity in policy implementation affects surgical care delivery.
Accountable Care Organizations & Specialty Care
Study Aims
To measure the effects of ACOs on PCP-specialist referral networks.
To assess the effects of ACOs on specialists’ treatment decisions.
To determine the effects of ACOs on the efficiency of the treatment episode.
Pathways to Success: Effects on Clinical Quality and Costs among Older Patients
Study Aims
To examine decisions around MSSP participation and the impact that these decisions have on an organization’s approach to care delivery after launch of Pathways to Success.
To assess the effects of MSSP exit on clinical quality and costs among older patients.
To evaluate for unintended consequences on older patients from continued participation.
Real-World Effectiveness of PPT for Patients with Kidney Stones
Study Aims
To evaluate the impact that PPT has on clinical outcomes.
To examine patient tolerability for PPT.
To determine the healthcare costs associated with PPT use.
Primary Care Involvement in End-Stage Renal Disease Seamless Care Organizations (ESCOs)
Study Aims
To assess ESCO effects on interactions among nephrologists and PCPs or other specialists.
To assess the impact that increased PCP involvement has on ESCO financial performance and clinical outcomes.
To compare the costs and outcomes of care for chronic dialysis patients as a function of PCP involvement in ESCOs, versus MSSP ACOs.